What are your Interrogation Rights?

What are your Interrogation Rights?

Understanding your interrogation rights is essential to ensure you avoid being coerced into a confession. During a police interrogation, you have the right to: Remain silent — you don’t have to answer any questions Representation by a criminal defense attorney — talk...
What are your Search and Seizure Rights?

What are your Search and Seizure Rights?

Search and seizure is a legal term that pertains to a law enforcement officer’s examination of an individual’s home, vehicle, person, or business to find evidence of a crime. Due to the Fourth Amendment, you have the right to privacy, including prohibiting...
What are your rights if you are arrested?

What are your rights if you are arrested?

A law enforcement officer should read your Miranda Rights to you when being arrested or before an interrogation. The Miranda Rights inform you of your Fifth Amendment Right to remain silent. If these Miranda Rights are not provided, you need to let an experienced...